Rules and Regulations
Mount Joy Borough Authority established Rules and Regulations for both the water and sewer systems to create a foundation of the services the Authority provides to the customers and the Township’s. Click on the links to view the Water System Rules and Regulations or the Sewer System Rules and Regulations. Along with the Rules and Regulations, the Authority established technical specifications when installing water and sewer mains. Click on the links to view the Technical Specifications for Construction of Water Mains and Appurtenances to be Connected to the Public Water System of Mount Joy Borough Authority or the Technical Specifications for Construction of Sewer Mains and Appurtenances to be Connected to the Public Sewer System of Mount Joy Borough Authority.
Tapping Fee Schedule
Mount Joy Borough Authority strives to keep water and sewer tapping fees as low as it will allow. MJBA also continues to stay in compliance with the Chesapeake Bay and PA DEP Regulations which may, in future plans, raise these rates to allow for Capital Improvements. MJBA and its staff, continue to maintain accurate service for its Service Area which includes Mount Joy Borough, portions of Mount Joy Township, East Donegal Township and Rapho Township. Click on the link to view the Service Area Map.
Effective February 1, 2017, Mount Joy Borough Authority has increased their water and sewer tapping fees, click on the link to view the current Tapping Fee Schedule.
2022 Schedule of Fees and Charges
Mount Joy Borough Authority establish annual rates for additional services provided by the Authority, click on the link to view the 2022 Schedule of Fee Charges.