Mount Joy Borough has enforced a Rental Registration and Inspection Program since 1996. The current program was adopted by Borough Council with Ordinance 4-15 on April 6th, 2015, to enact and enforce the provisions of the program. The Rental Program was amended with Ordinance 6-16 on September 12th, 2016.The Rental Registration and Inspection Program has been adopted by Council to ensure the public health, safety, and welfare of the Borough and its residents.
Traditional/Residential Rentals:
Traditional residential rental units are required to be registered with the Borough annually and are subject to inspection at time of the property/unit becoming a rental unit, every four (4) years of occupancy by the same tenant/occupant, or upon complaint.
Property Owners and/or their appointed Property Manager is responsible for filing for the annual registration, scheduling required inspections, and maintaining good communication and records of the property/unit and its occupants with the Borough.
Registration of traditional residential rentals takes place annually between January and March, with renewal notifications sent out prior to the renewal period. Mount Joy Borough Council has set by Resolution 2025-02 the fees for registration for 2025.
Fees are: $85 per unit and a $25 per unit late fee if filed after the stated date on the renewal notification letter.
Inspections will be conducted by the Mount Joy Borough Codes Department.
Short Term Rentals (AirBnB):
Mount Joy Borough does not currently have specific regulations surrounding Short Term Rentals. Under Chapter 270 Zoning of the Mount Joy Borough Code, Short Term Rentals not being clearly specified as a permitted use by right are special exception review of the Zoning Hearing Board are NOT PERMITTED by Section 270-5.B which states:
“270-5.B Uses not specifically regulated.
If a use clearly is not permitted by right or as a special exception use by this chapter within any zoning district, the use is prohibited”
The Mount Joy Borough Codes Department in conjunction with Borough Council and the Borough Planning Commission are currently working on an Ordinance to allow Short Term Rentals within Mount Joy Borough.
Complaints regarding Rental Properties in the Borough may be directed to the Mount Joy Borough Codes Department, a complaint form detailing the concerns of the property should be submitted for investigation of the complaint
Disruptive Conduct:
As part of Ordinance 6-16, Mount Joy Borough Council adopted provisions into the Rental Program to handle specific issues that may arise with rental properties. Further information on these provisions is available here.
Further Information:
Information about rental program forms, landlord and tenant rights, and the specific language of the adopted provisions for the rental program may be viewed here.