Mount Joy Borough & East Donegal Township Compost Site

Location:  200 S. Jacob Street, Mount Joy, PA 17552

Traveling East towards Lancaster: Turn right onto South Barbara Street, go over the bridge and take a left. Follow to the stop sign and take a right onto South Jacob Street. Proceed on that road until you see the facility on the right side.

Traveling West towards Elizabethtown: Turn left onto South Barbara Street, go over the bridge and take a left. Follow to the stop sign and take a right onto South Jacob Street. Proceed on that road until you see the facility on the right side.

Compost Site Hours of Operation are Dawn to Dust 7 day/week.  

Facility:  Site is open to the residents of Mount Joy Borough and East Donegal Township with purchase of a key fob.

As of December 1, 2020, the Compost Site will be accessible by key fob only.  Click here for an application to purchase or renew the key fob or you can pick up an application at the Borough Office.  You must come into the Borough Office to purchase the key fob.

 The Compost Site is continuously monitored by surveillance cameras.  We encourage you to follow the rules of the facility, and to report any abuse of the facility to the Borough Public Works Department at 717-653-8226.  The Mount Joy Police Department will randomly be monitoring the facility; you may be asked to show identification.  Any violation of the Rules and Regulations will result in loss of access to the facility.  Upon entrance to the facility, please follow the directional signage, and place all items into designated areas.   

General Rules:

  • For use by Mount Joy Borough and East Donegal Township residents only.
  • Place items in designated areas – Separate Woody Waste from Yard Waste
    • Woody Waste – Items with bark, tree trunks, limbs and branches
      • Tree branches and trunks need to be less than 19″ in diameter and less than 8′ in length
    • Yard Waste – Leaves, green plants, and garden waste
      • Materials may be in kraft bags which can be purchased at the Borough Office at 21 East Main Street, Mount Joy 717-653-2300 or at Milanof-Schock Library at 1184 Anderson Ferry Road, Mount Joy.
    • Sod or dirt may be placed on the dirt pile
  • No rocks or stones
  • No smoking
  • No grass clippings
  • No tree stumps
  • No trash or garbage
  • No construction or demolition waste
  • No painted, pressure treated wood, railroad ties or landscaping timbers
  • No plastic bags
  • Christmas tree must be free of ornaments

Unacceptable use of the Facility (Resulting in loss of Access):

  • Use of your key fob by someone else not of your property
  • Dropping any items not accepted by the facility
  • Damage to gates, signs, buildings, or any other property damage


The Mount Joy Public Works Department will be available to deliver leaf compost and wood mulch to Mount Joy Borough residents only.

If you would like to schedule a delivery you will need to place an order by filling out an order form.  You can click here for the form or pick one up at the Borough Office.  There is no charge for the compost and mulch but there is a $25.00 delivery fee.  The order form and payment should be dropped off at the Borough Office, placed in the drop box in front of the Borough Office or mailed to the Borough Office at 21 East Main Street, Mount Joy, 17552.

After your order and payment are received, someone from Public Works will call to schedule the delivery.

In an effort to improve the quality of the products that we are producing at the Compost Site, the Public Works Department is requiring that the items that are being dropped off need to be separated in the following areas:

Yard Waste: This is the smaller, mostly green items such as weeds, plants and leafy materials.
Woody Waste: This is the tree branches, tree trunks and those materials that are mostly wood.