What is It?
The local level Emergency Management Agency (EMS) is a requirement of the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Services Code 35 PA. C.S. Section 7101. It directs and authorizes every political subdivision to have an emergency management program that includes trained Emergency Management Coordinator’s (EMC’s), an Emergency Management Operations Plan (EOP), and a functioning Emergency Operations Center (EOC) with a trained support staff.
How Does EMA Operate?
EMA supports the Borough, Fire, Police and other response assets in an information and resource management role. EMA executes this mission from inside the EOC and may staff the EOC on a 24 hour basis during a serious event like Tropical Storm Lee or Hurricane Sandy. EMA mobilizes in a limited capacity for Borough events like the Memorial Day Parade and the Taste of Mount Joy Car Show.
Emergency Management is defined as the judicious planning, assignment and coordination of all available resources in an integrated program of prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery for emergencies of any kind, whether from attack, man-made or natural cause.
Training for Volunteer EMC’s and Volunteer EOC Support Staff is provided at no cost via DHS/FEMA on line computer based instruction and short classes in the local area. EMC’s meet monthly and Support Staff meet quarterly for a training period of about two hours. Those who complete the basic EMA training courses and attend training meetings will be certified by The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency as EMA Support Staff and will be issued Mount Joy EMA identification.
Our goals are to validate and maintain the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP), refine, and staff the Emergency Operations Center (EOC), plan and train in precautionary measures, and participate in drills and exercises to validate and test our plans to insure a “Ready Mount Joy.”
What Experience do I Need?
None-All training is provided at no cost to you. Telephone conversational ability, radio skills and basic computer skills are a plus but not required. All you need is the desire to volunteer a few hours of your time for the betterment of your community.
How Can I Get Involved?
Send a short email to EMA@MountJoyPA.org and we will provide information on meetings and EMA/EOC specific DHS/FEMA training availability at http://www.fema.gov/training-0