Curbs and Sidewalks
The Borough has been working steadily to improve the conditions of sidewalks within the Borough. When a street is planned to be paved, the sidewalks and curbs on that street will be surveyed according to the curb and sidewalk exemption list. See Ordinance 4-19, Chapter 232-58, dated September 9, 2019. If the street is not on the exemption list, installation of sidewalks and curbs will be required before paving is completed. If curbs and sidewalks already exist on the street they will need to be repaired or upgraded to meet current ADA and borough specifications. If related to a street paving project, the Borough will give the property owners 24 months notice if curb and / or sidewalk work is required. Please be aware that if your curbs and sidewalks are not in good condition, you may receive a notice to have the deficiencies corrected.
Borough Council may, by resolution or motion, authorize or defer the construction of curbs and/or sidewalks upon written request from one or more abutting property owners who propose alternate design or materials for the proposed sidewalk within ninety (90) days after Borough Council has approved the preliminary engineer designed plans for the Borough’s project. See Ordinance 2-20, Chapter 232-62, dated March 2, 2020.
Property owner proposals should be in writing and submitted to the Borough Office within the ninety (90) day period for each project or presented in person at the Borough Council meeting when they will be considered. The proposals will be forwarded to Borough Council members. The proposals that are received will be on the Borough Council meeting agenda for consideration at the end of the ninety-day period.
Please be aware that if your curbs and sidewalks are not in good condition, you may receive a notice to have the deficiencies corrected