On August 19, 1996, Mount Joy Borough adopted the BOCA National Fire Prevention Code/1996, by Ordinance No. 526. This Code is adopted as the Mount Joy Borough Fire Prevention Code, creating a code of fire prevention regulations for the protection of public health, safety and welfare.
It is the duty of the Code Enforcement Officer to enforce the provisions of the Fire Prevention Code.
Effective January 1, 1994, the provisions of open burning as provided in a non-combustible container covered with a screen is now eliminated. Borough Council took the initiative to eliminate open burning in the Borough.
Under the Fire Prevention Code, situations where allowable open burning is provided are as follows:
- Recreational fires. A recreational fire is an outdoor fire utilized to cook food for human consumption.
- Highway safety flares.
- Fire set by or under the supervision of a public official to prevent or evade a fire hazard.
- Fires set for the purpose of instructing persons in fire fighting.
- Smudge pots and similar occupations needs.
Recreational fires in approved containers shall be permitted, provided that such fires are not less than 15′ from any structure.
On March 3, 2003, Mount Joy Borough adopted Ordinance No. 7-03 which is known as the Mount Joy Borough Emergency Access Ordinance The owner of certain types of structures and the owner and operator of a structure containing certain uses must follow the requirements of this Ordinance. All members of the Police Department and the Borough Manager are hereby authorized and directed to enforce the provisions of this Ordinance.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has enacted Act 98 of 1992 and Act 93 of 1994, both amending the Insurance Company Law of 1921 to provide procedures for the payment of certain fire loss claims. It is the purpose of Act 98 of 1992 and Act 93 of 1994 to deter the commission of arson, to discourage abandonment of property and to facilitate payment of taxes and other charges that may be due to municipalities. Mount Joy Borough enacted Ordinance No 541, on January 20, 1998, to provide for the payment of proceeds from certain fire loss claims to the Borough pursuant to the Acts noted above. This Ordinance is known as the Fire Insurance Proceeds Ordinance.
If you have a loss due to a fire, please click here for more information on the Fire Insurance Proceeds Ordinance. The regulations in this Ordinance must be followed where the amount recoverable for the fire loss to the structure located within the Borough exceeds $7,500.00.