Required site plan should include the following:
- Locations, dimensions and uses of existing and proposed structures, parking and loading areas, and locations of existing and proposed uses of areas of land, with existing features clearly distinguished from proposed features.
- Notes showing dimensions of all buildings from lot lines and street right-of-ways.
- Locations of any watercourses and any one-hundred-year floodplain.
- Proposed lot areas, lot widths, setbacks from lot lines and other applicable dimensional requirements.
- Locations and square footage of existing and proposed private sidewalks, driveways, patios, decks and any other existing or proposed impervious surface.
Mount Joy Borough Fee Schedule 2025
Affidavit of Exemption. If you are a property owner doing your own work, or a contractor that is self-employed, this form will need to be completed with your application.
Zoning Hearing Board Application. Which also requires the following:
- Zoning & Construction Permit Application(if applicable).
- Site Plan showing all existing and proposed buildings, structures and other significant features such as parking lots, driveways, sidewalks, etc. The plan must be accurate and shall be drawn to scale.
- Zoning Hearing Board Supplemental Information Form. (included in application above)
- Seven copies of application, project narrative, plans, & photographs.
- One copy to Attorney, Thomas Goodman (Goodman & Kenneff, 246 B Manor Ave, Millersville, PA 17551, 717-872-4605)
- Include at least one set of 11 inch by 17 inch plan sheets.
- Provide one digital copy of each plan sheet & document submitted on compact disc in PDF format or equivalent.
- Fold all larger documents to fit into an 8.5 inch by 11 inch folder.
Conditional Use Application. The conditional use approval process is designed to allow the Planning Commission the opportunity to review certain larger-scale residential development uses which will also come before Borough Council as part of the subdivision and land development approval process.
PROCEDURE: Applications for conditional use approvals shall meet all requirements in the sections of this chapter which authorize such conditional use. Borough Council shall consider the conditional use application and render its decision with the requirements of the PA Municipalities Code.