Welcome to the Mount Joy Borough Rental Program!

You have reached this page, most likely, by scanning a QR code on the registration sticker for one of our rental properties.

This page has resources for owners, managers, and tenants/occupants for rental properties in Mount Jour Borough.

Currently the Mount Joy Borough rental program is part of our Property Maintenance Ordinance, Chapter 195 which you can view here

Here are all the most up to date forms for registering and updating your rental property:

Tenant/Owner Information
Listed here are documents for both landlords and tenants of rental units from the PA Attorney Generals Office on the right of landlords and tenants under PA state law. Also listed here is the Mount Joy Borough Tenant Disclosure, which is required by ordinance to be given to all tenants by a landlord in the Borough


Any person wishing to file a complaint against a rental property should complete the complaint for provided below and return the completed for to the Mount Joy Borough Codes Department for processing and investigation

Housing Information

The Fair Housing Center at Lancaster Housing Opportunity Partnership: (717) 291-9945.